Anxiety affects approximately 30million Americans at some point in their lives. The most common treatment modalities used to treat the continuum are the administration of psychotropic medications and the application of behavioral therapy. The following case details an adult female who suffered from severe panic attacks for a period of 10 years wherein numerous interventions, including psychotropic medications, had failed to ameliorate her suffering. The patient was treated using the Mastery of Your Anxiety and Panic protocol. Prior to treatment, the patient reported that she experienced an average of seven panic attacks per week, her Beck Anxiety Inventory score was 58, and her Beck Depression Inventory was 23. At the completion of treatment, the patient reported that the number of panic attacks was reduced to one per week. At 4-week, 6-week, and 16-week follow-up, the patient had not experienced any panic attacks.
Keywords: panic disorder, cognitive-behavioral therapy, behavioral therapy, cognitive restructuring, exposure therapy, relaxation therapy.
Jane reported that she had daily panic
attacks with physiological reactions that included chest pain, shortness of
breath, dizziness, nose burn, sudden perspiration, and numbing in the hands.
The panic attacks occurred at work, at home, and in public places. She reported
that the panic attacks were becomingproblematic at her workplace, and her
employer had commented on her condition. Jane stated that she had experienced panic
attacks for more than 10 years. She sought out help from seven previous therapists.
She terminated these professional relationships prematurely, because “they weren’t
helping me.” The predominant treatment approaches employed by the previous therapists
involved a psychodynamic paradigm and treatment by PCP, whose treatment of
choice was anxiolytic medications.
Jane was born in a western state in
theUnited States, and spent her childhood years there. She stated that she has
two older brothers and two older sisters. Jane reported that she thought her
childhood was “good until she was 17 [years old].” She stated that she changed
her opinion once she started visiting the families of her friends and noticed
the disparity with her family.
Jane reported that her mother was
diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder and had been receiving medical
treatment for her disorder for many years. She noted that herfather was twice
divorced and that he was an alcoholic. She described situations where her
father would come home inebriated and report that he had given his paycheck
away, would “beat my mom,” and would proceed to “trash the house.” Jane
reported that during these tirades, her father would “beat on the oldest,” and
when she tried to protect her brother, her father would “hit me upside the
head.” During these situations, Jane’s mother would shirk away in fear for
Pada jurnal ini disajiakan Kasus yang
terjadi pada seorang wanita yang mengalami gangguan kecemasan atau Panic Attack
yang sangat parah dan sudah dialaminya sekitar 10 tahun. Dalam waktu tersebut
dirinya sudah banyak menerima berbagai interfensi, pengobatan psikotropika yang
juga tidak banyak membantu keluar dari penderitaanya. Berikut ini beberapa
ciri-ciri yang dialami oleh pasien yang bernama Jane penderita Panic Attack
Disorder :
mengalami rata-rata tujuh serangan
panik/ minggu.
serangan panic muncul, juga diikuti dengan reaksi fisiologis seperti nyeri
dada, sesak nafas, pusing, luka bakar pada hidung, keringat tiba-tiba dan mati
rasa pada seluruh badan.
panic seringkali muncul ketika dirinya berada di rumah, tempat kerja maupun
tempat umum lainnya.
ini sudah dialaminya selama lebih dari 10 tahun terakhir.
ketakutan pada situasi yang kondisional
mengalami luka batin pada kehidupan keluarganya terutama pada orang tuanya saat
dia masa kecil.
Kriteriautama bagi diagnosis
gangguan panik tanpa agoraphobia menurut Diagnostik dan Statistik Manual, Edisi Keempat
(DSM-IV) (American Psychiatric
Association, 1994 ):
Kriteria A.1 : sejarah berulang serangan panik yang tak terduga dengan setidaknyasalah satu
serangan panik telah diikuti oleh 1 bulan
, seperti :
(a) kekhawatiran terus-menerus
(b) khawatir tentang dampak atau implikasi dari setiap serangan panik
(c) signifikan perubahan perilaku karena serangan panik.
Kriteria B : Presentasi tidak harus menyertakan agoraphobia
Kriteria C : Serangan panik bukan karena penggunaan zat atau kondisi medis umum
Kriteria D : Gangguan kejiwaan . Dan Kondisi Jane memenuhi kriteria ini.
(b) khawatir tentang dampak atau implikasi dari setiap serangan panik
(c) signifikan perubahan perilaku karena serangan panik.
Kriteria B : Presentasi tidak harus menyertakan agoraphobia
Kriteria C : Serangan panik bukan karena penggunaan zat atau kondisi medis umum
Kriteria D : Gangguan kejiwaan . Dan Kondisi Jane memenuhi kriteria ini.
Pendekatan Penyembuhan ( Treatment)
Model penyambuhan secara behavioral dan cognitive Behavioral ini
berpendapat bahwa gangguan kecemasan panic terjadi sebagai hasil dari mekanisme
psikologis yang terjadi dimana rangsangan lingkungan menyebabkan reaktivitas
bersyarat, yang mungkin dimediasi oleh respon yang diakibatkan oleh kondisi
yang menyebabkan ketakutan atau distorsi kognitif. (Klerman et all, 1994). Treatment ini dianggap cocok bagi Jane yang pernah mengalami trauma masa
kecil pada permasalahan rumah tangga ibu dan ayahnya yang membuat Jane merasa
panik dan ketakutan yang berlebihan di kondisi yang tertentu.
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